The Alfred Bog - October 30, 2022
Read my April 2023 book review of Annie Proulx’s new book: Fen, Bog and Swamp
Protection in place to save a spectacular bog
Just a few weeks before our visit, news of a new provincial park was released. It’s been a long battle to preserve the bog from peat extraction operations and from agriculture. Click the button…
Prairie sky bends to a local bog
We had no idea that the sky would speak so clearly of its beauty on this special day at the Alfred Bog. It was glorious.
Oh, the tamaracks!
I have a longstanding love affair with tamaracks.
Perhaps you know that they are a needle-bearing deciduous tree, and that autumn turns them into golden torches.
I love the silkiness of their needles. I love that they grow in wet places like bogs and swamps, and along stream banks. And in the Rocky Mountains! Click the button…
The Alfred Bog
Our visit in October was the first time Daniel and I had the pleasure of immersing ourselves in the bog experience.
He picked red jewels from cranberry bushes next to the walkway. I ate them. So did he! The berries were ripe and abundant. Such a treat.
We circumnavigated the short boardwalk at least 4 times. Each turn of the wheel revealed something we hadn’t seen before.
Learn more about the bog from The Nature Conservancy of Canada, a longtime and important protector of the bog.